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we don't write just because we want to

There is a reason why we write about something. There is a reason why we write about what we write. We at the student publication do not just write a piece just so we could have something to publish. We don't write so we could ruin somebody, especially when we don't really have a reason to.

We write about issues because it affects the students. We write about issues because people complains. We write because it is our duty to write.

If you don't want to see your name published in the newspaper, then don't give us a reason to. If you don't want people to think bad of you, then don't give them a reason to.

And just a piece of advice: when you are asked a question, answer it honestly so you don't get confused with your own lies. If you want to make excuses, polish it well because once it is printed you can hardly take it back.

When you are given the chance to answer and give your side of the issue, grab the opportunity and explain your side well. Don't just mutter in a corner and complain after the issue is published.

Back-stabbing us and grumbling will not do you any good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

btaw2..we write because we have something to write about- don't have reasons to ruin people and we never are unprofessionals..ayT?hehe..

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