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Not goodbye, but Goodluck!

And I don't even want to say Good luck because I prefer to say, God Bless.

The University Graduation will be on March 13 already and the publication Good luck Party will be on March 14-15. Four people will be leaving us and maybe a lot more will no longer be with us in the coming school year.

It will be especially sad for us in the publication because we are very close in here. We exist not only as an organization but as a family. We are together through thick and thin and goodbyes are never a part of our agenda.

But its finally here. The time to say goodbye.
tears will be shed but that won't stop them. Words will be said but that too won't stop them
We will not even try stopping them.
Everybody has to move on and choose their own paths. We are thankful that they have been with us and became a part of our lives but we also know that sooner we will also have to leave just like them.

This will not be a goodbye because I know that we will still see each other. I only pray that they will find the right paths for them and hope that they will be successful in whatever journey they choose to take.

Congrats guys...and God bless!

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