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Just a thought

I posted this thought in my Friendster shoutout this morning. The thought just came into my mind as I was trying to decide what to replace my previous shoutout.

"Responsibility must come first before comfort. Ahay. Meaning, obey first before you complain. Aw? Relate?"

Even I could not understand the relationship between the two. I just posted it there without bothering if the two idea actually relates to each other. As I lay in bed this afternoon, I realized that there is.

Everyone of us has responsibilities and sometimes these responsibilities brings us discomfort, unearth our insecurities, etc. Yet we do not have a choice but fulfill our duties. We have to do our duties first before we start complaining because otherwise we would look like fools who keep on complaining but has never actually done anything.

Isn't it annoying when the people who complains a lot are those who haven't done anything at all? Isn't it irritating to hear those who have never shed a single drop of sweat complaining about something, commenting, and acting like they know everything when they haven't contributed anything at all?

And you know what's more irritating? It's when these people starts to brag about the "work" they've done when it is actually nothing to what others have done.

I think you don't need to be a leader to be considerate. You have to think of your responsibility not only to your group or your organization but also to the people around you first before you think of your self. You have to ask yourself if you have done enough already or if there is something more that you can do.


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