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I don't know what to do anymore

I am frustrated. And that's putting it lightly.

To be honest about it, I feel like a loser. Sometimes I think my best was never enough to fulfill my duties in the publication. Ten months of being an editor and nothing to show for it. I am a failure.

When I assumed this position, the senior writers were doing fine. Ten months after, they're the worst bunch of writers I've ever came across with. Irresponsible reporters, half-baked reports, incomplete data, incomplete reports, unfinished articles and of course, invisible articles.

Wow! What a failure. I'm probably the worst editor this publication has ever had.

I am supposed to help them develop but they regressed instead. I am supposed to train them and help them become better people but I think they became worst. What happened to all the seminars they've been through? What happened to all the trainings they underwent?

90% of our writers are presently under probation. Meaning, majority of them are in danger of being kicked out from the publication for not doing their parts as writers. Their behaviors reflects the kind of leaders that they have. And if they are as irresponsible as this then it only shows what kind of failure I had been.

I did my best to encourage them, to make them work. I did everything for the publication but all for nothing.


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